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Scratch Jr coding lesson 3 - Move the Cat

When you’re playing on the computer, you want things to move, you want to see action. It would be boring if nothing was happening on the screen.
To make your projects and games fun to play, you will need to make your characters move.
In this lesson, you are going to learn how create a project in the ScratchJr app.
Start by running the Scratch Jr app on your tablet. Next create a new project.
The Lesson

All projects in ScratchJr are created with the same process.  You open up the app on your device.  You create a new project.  You change the background. You add some characters.  You add some code blocks to the characters.  Finally, you run your project.

Let’s try moving the cat.  Open up Scratch Jr app, click on the home picture, next click on the new project button to start a new project. You always get a cat character to start. I will show you how to change the characters in a future lesson. Click on the cat.  Now we want to move the cat, we need to add some code blocks to the cat to do this.

The blue code blocks are used to move characters.  Click and drag a blue block to the code area.

Now touch the blue block you added and it should move the cat.

Take the Challenge

To learn to code in Scratch Jr, you have to practice coding.  The activities for this lesson are the most important part of learning to code.

The challenge for this lesson is to create a new project where the cat moves on the stage using the blue move code blocks.

The Solution

If you get stuck on the challenge, you can request the solution guide by filling out this form.


In this lesson, you learned how to make a character in Scratch Jr using code blocks.

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