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Scratch Coding Course Ages 8 to 18

Learn Scratch Coding with free video lessons

Scratch is a free visual programming language developed at MIT just for beginners.   You can create amazing games, interactive stories, animations, control lego robots, and control micro computers with this language.  It is one of the best languages for beginners age 8 and above.


scratch coding lesson 1
Scratch Coding Lesson 1 - Learn to run a program in Scratch
Start Lesson 1
scratch coding lesson 2
Scratch Coding Lesson 2 - Scratch Overview
Start Lesson 2
scratch coding lesson 2
Scratch Coding Lesson 3 - Remixing
Start Lesson 3
scratch coding lesson 4
Scratch Coding Lesson 4 - Collaboration with Friends
Start Lesson 4
scratch coding lesson 5
Scratch Coding Lesson 5 - New Project
Start Lesson 5
scratch coding lesson 7
Scratch Coding Lesson 6 - Green Flag Event
Start Lesson 6
scratch coding change backdrops
Scratch Coding Lesson 7 - Changing Backdrops
Start Lesson 7
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We like short videos.  Every lesson has a super short easy to follow video. We call these micro lessons.  You can do each micro lesson in less than 5 minutes.


Each lesson teaches one simple idea. We want you to succeed in learning, so we teach you one thing at a time.


Learning is doing. Every lesson has a short activity that reinforces the new idea. Get started today by trying just one lesson.