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Scratch Coding Lesson 2 - Scratch Overview

To get good at coding, you have to master the tools of coding.
In this lesson you will learn more about Scratch, what things are called and where you can find them on the screen.
Scratch is your coding tool that you use to build things on the computer. If you do not know how to use this tool very well, your programs won’t work the way you want. Start by opening
The Lesson

Let’s dive into Scratch and learn a little more about this tool.

On the right side of the screen we have what is called a Stage. Everything happens on the stage. Backdrops are backgrounds for the stage. Information about backdrops is displayed in this little area over here.

On the stage you add sprites. Sprites can be anything like a person, place or thing.

When you create a new project you always get the cat sprite by default.

When you select a sprite, you can add code, costumes, and sounds to that sprite using these three tabs.

There are different kinds of code blocks organized by categories. Each category gets a different color and label.

To see the code blocks for a category, simply click on the colored circle for that category.

To add code blocks to your sprite, simply click on the block, drag, and release on the code area.

Blocks have different shapes like legos. Some blocks can only connect to other blocks based on their shape.

Costumes are used to animate your sprites. You can click on this tab to create or change costumes for your sprite.

To add sounds to your sprite, you click on the sounds tab.

As you learn and create more things in Scratch, you are going to need a free Scratch account in order to save all of your projects.

Take the Challenge

The challenge for this lesson is to sign up for a free Scratch account. You will need an email address for this. After you sign up, you will be sent a confirmation email. It is very important that you confirm your email by clicking on the button in the email they send. If you do not, you will not have access to certain features in Scratch you need to complete this course.

Visit and click the Join Scratch menu item at the top left of the screen.


In this lesson you learned what sprites and the stage are in Scratch, you learned where some of the things are on the Scratch screen.

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